Monthly Archives: October 2019

2 posts

Water Place II Housing Discussion

Dear Homeowners,  Below is a list of topics that were mentioned during the meeting on 10/16/2019. Please add your comments under the appropriate topic, or add a topic if your thoughts don’t fit into an area below. In parentheses, you’ll see some subtopic examples, but these lists are not exclusive. Please comment on anything related to the general topic.  My hope is to keep this document as streamlined as possible, […]

Howdy Neighbors

Welcome! When I first suggested a website for the Twin Ridge HOA, Cliff asked me why. Why won’t email suffice? It left me speechless for a second because it was a great question. So I thought about it for a while and without further ado: 1 Archive  To have a centralized place of storing records, minutes and the history of our HOA. 2 Improve information flow Email threads are not […]