Monthly Archives: April 2022

6 posts

Financial planning for the future

Room for a discussion of planning of our budget 1 Year where can we save money not to increase dues (Saving in electricity, saving in trash, alternative repairs) 3 Years we have staved off dues increase./ We have increased dues and tackled a financial setback: Planned unforeseen 5 Year we have tackled 2 major maintenance expenditures

HOA Meeting April 11th Ambulance Barn

You can call it minutes, old business, new business, a board meeting, we got together! I’ll try to get the roll call posted, or a screenshot of the list would do. Cliff, thanks a lot for all the time, sweat and tears you put in whilst being at the helm. Also to the rest of the board thanks for all your time. Not sure if anyone was keeping minutes this meeting, […]

Rules of Governance

1. Collection Policy 2. Board Member Conflicts of Interest Policy 3. Conduct of Meetings Policy 4. Enforcement Policy 5. Records Inspection and Copying Policy 6. Investment of Reserves Policy  7. Adoption and Amendment of Policies and Rules  8. Dispute Resolution (HOA and Owners) Policy