Thanks to our treasurer we have a very accurate snapshot of the HOA’s financial health.
2021 We finished in the black.
As of now for the year 2022 things are looking less favorable financially due to some maintenance and repair issues.
Big expenses wear a snow removal from roofs of the townhomes due to heat tape failures and or deficiencies ($7325). Another big it was related to sewer repairs in a 300 building ($7827), which was not covered by insurance (insufficient install during the original build) We are still waiting to hear back on this but are bracing ourselves to take this hit. Some costs are still to be incurred like the bus path repair.
Another hit to anticipate is the concrete pump jacking in front of the 200 building, this was commissioned late 21 and it’s due to Take place June 8, 2022. A down payment has been made but a remainder is still due ($3500).
Overall for our reserves (checking as well as savings) we have been healthy and steady over the last year: