Yearly Archives: 2022

34 posts

Remaining flooding issues 200 building

After the raising of the porch in front of the 200 building, excessive rain storms have continue to prove flood prone. See the below video where water is pooling in front of the 200 building as it is not adequately draining in the ditch between 200 and 300 building. VIDEO JULY 15th 2022 As it turns out there was a rock choking off the drainage into the ditch. This is […]

Twin Ridge on National Forest land?

For quite a while now I have been trying to tell everyone that Twin Ridge is on national forest land. Over and over it has been disputed. A while ago I downloaded some national Forest KMZ files, which are for Google Earth. These are files from the USGS as well as forest service. I was told these were wrong so I went back referenced the good old fashion 7.5 minute […]

Signs Update

Some of the homeowners have expressed interest in putting up signs on the property in an attempt to relieve us off liability. In the last board meeting we put the thought forward to emulate signs in appearance similar to those use by the county/ open space. This is what we heard back: We appreciate your HOAs interest in coordinating sign aesthetics with Open Space and Trails. Our standard colors:  Aspen […]

Twin Ridge Townhomes heat tape saga.

Dear stakeholders, It is no secret, over the past few years our roofs and the snow have given us quite the headaches. It has cost us money in shoveling, insurance claims filed for leaks due to ice dams and still 2022 was a catastrophic year for electricity costs. Furthermore shoveling details are an outright assault on the lifespan of our roofs. Over the years we thousands have been spent and […]

Concrete jack pumping

UPDATE JUNE 9th! Overall professional work with good results, the porch is level and has a slope. The remains problem is the drain in front of the porch where there is insufficient slope, water pools and debris collects. Possible solutions: PVC/Concrete, prefab/ made on site. UPDATE JUNE 7th! The concrete guys are coming June 8th 2022 The concrete porch in front of the 200 building has settled to an extend […]

BOARD Meeting June 1st Ambulance Barn

Originally scheduled for May 29th May, re-scheduled for June 1 Agenda & Minutes Homeless shelter latest Anne updated the board about the communication thus far with the variety of actor involved in the decision making regarding the overnight winter homeless shelter. Please click in the hyperlink for the details. HOA insurance update: A variety of claims have been submitted, some awarded, some denied, some pending. Also our agent has new […]

Financials Board Meeting June 1st 2022

Thanks to our treasurer we have a very accurate snapshot of the HOA’s financial health. 2021 REVIEW 2021 We finished in the black. 2022 PREVIEW As of now for the year 2022 things are looking less favorable financially due to some maintenance and repair issues. Big expenses wear a snow removal from roofs of the townhomes due to heat tape failures and or deficiencies ($7325). Another big it was related […]

Grove Court fire hazard mitigation

Update June 7th Met with Tomas Elliot from AVH employee housing. We had a look at the platt and also to their surprise the property line of the hospital stretched out way further than they thought. We would like to meet with someone from the county to determine exactly where hospital propertyand also to their surprise the property line of the hospital stretched out way further than they thought. We […]