Originally scheduled for May 29th May, re-scheduled for June 1 Agenda & Minutes Homeless shelter latest Anne updated the board about the communication thus far with the variety of actor involved in the decision making regarding the overnight winter homeless shelter. Please click in the hyperlink for the details. HOA insurance update: A variety of claims have been submitted, some awarded, some denied, some pending. Also our agent has new […]
New wireless digital transmitting units have been placed on the gas meters. Similar to an earlier replacement of water meters earlier this year. Keep an eye on your bills mistakes have been made in the past.
Thanks to our treasurer we have a very accurate snapshot of the HOA’s financial health. 2021 REVIEW 2021 We finished in the black. 2022 PREVIEW As of now for the year 2022 things are looking less favorable financially due to some maintenance and repair issues. Big expenses wear a snow removal from roofs of the townhomes due to heat tape failures and or deficiencies ($7325). Another big it was related […]
Synopsis & working document to bundle some HOA insurance issues. FUN FACT: In 2021 we spent $11000 on HOA insurance! Both in 21 and 22 we’ve had some claims. The most common issue seems to be where HOA commons insurance overlaps with the jurisdiction of individual homeowners insurance. ’21 Claims 200 building (individual household claim) water damage from broken hot water heater – awarded 200 building (individual household claim) water […]
Mario and the boys git’r done! Scheduled for Friday Monday May 3oth Cancelled due to snow Saturday, May 28th planned for Monday the 30th ORIGINAL COMISSION: LINK TO TOPIC
You can call it minutes, old business, new business, a board meeting, we got together! I’ll try to get the roll call posted, or a screenshot of the list would do. Cliff, thanks a lot for all the time, sweat and tears you put in whilst being at the helm. Also to the rest of the board thanks for all your time. Not sure if anyone was keeping minutes this meeting, […]
Dear Homeowners, Below is a list of topics that were mentioned during the meeting on 10/16/2019. Please add your comments under the appropriate topic, or add a topic if your thoughts don’t fit into an area below. In parentheses, you’ll see some subtopic examples, but these lists are not exclusive. Please comment on anything related to the general topic. My hope is to keep this document as streamlined as possible, […]
Welcome! When I first suggested a website for the Twin Ridge HOA, Cliff asked me why. Why won’t email suffice? It left me speechless for a second because it was a great question. So I thought about it for a while and without further ado: 1 Archive To have a centralized place of storing records, minutes and the history of our HOA. 2 Improve information flow Email threads are not […]